Mickaelsan was born on December the 10th of 1981, and was taking care of everything concerning our servers. Updating them, cleaning them, monitoring them, plugging some cables in their hum. He’s also an Apple evangelist and it leaded to many heated debates in the office. Maharadjah Occupation. Dinosaurs lover. Transformice is a free app for the Windows PC through Steam engine which lets you play as one of the mice and trying to return with the cheese. You are a mouse trying to return wit a cheese, but.
New Standalone!
New Standalone!
As we’ve told you few days ago, Tigrounette added the multi-threading feature in Transformice. Unfortunately, it didn’t work with the old Standalone and we had to create a brand-new one.
To kill two birds with one stone, Tigrounette coded it with Adobe : that will allow him to add more features in the future and Linux has now its own Standalone! To test the possibilities, we’ve added a new feature today : You can now open pop-up to discuss with your friends and your tribemates!!
Type /tc to open a pop-up to talk with your tribemates and use /c* to start a conversation with one of your friend!
You can download this brand-new Standalone here: http://www.transformice.com/Transformice.exe
And you can download Adobe Air here : http://get.adobe.com/air/
Tigrounette will work on the Mac and on the Linux version tomorrow.
Feel free to share your thoughts about this new standalone! We can’t wait to hear what you think about it!
Nouvelle version executable (aka Standalone)!!
Comme nous vous l’avons dit il ya quelques jours, Tigrounette a ajouté la fonctionnalité multi-threading au jeu. Malheureusement, celle-ci ne fonctionne pas avec l’ancienne version de la Standalone. C’est pourquoi, nous avons décidé d’en coder une toute nouvelle version.
Pour faire d’une pierre deux coups, Tigrounette a décidé de coder cette nouvelle Standalone avec Adobe Air : ceci lui permettra d’ajouter plus de fonctionnalités et Linux dispose à présent de sa propre version executable ! Pour tester les possibilités, nous avons ajouté une nouvelle fonctionnalité aujourd’hui : vous pouvez maintenant ouvrir des pop-up pour discuter avec vos amis et votre tribu !
Tapez /tc pour parler avec votre tribu et utilisez la commande /c* pour commencer une discussion avec l’un de vos amis.
Vous pouvez télécharger la nouvelle version exécutable ici: www.transformice.com/Transformice.exe
Et vous pouvez télécharger Adobe Air ici: http://get.adobe.com/air/
Tigrounette travaillera sur les versions Mac et Linux demain matin!
N’hésitez pas à nous dire ce vous pensez de cette nouvelle Standalone! Nous attendons vos retours avec impatience!
Novo Standalone!
Como foi dito há poucos dias, Tigrounette adicionou o recurso de multithreading ao jogo. Infelizmente, este novo recurso não funcionou com a antiga versão do Standalone. E por isto, decidimos criar uma nova versão.
Para matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só, Tigrounette codificou este novo Standalone com Adobe Air: este último o permitirá de adicionar mais recursos no futuro e Linux agora apresenta a sua própria versão independente (Standalone)! Para testar as possibilidades, nós adicionamos um novo recurso hoje: A partir de agora você pode abrir pop-up’s para discutir com seus amigos e seus companheiros de tribo!
Digite /tc para falar com sua tribo e utilize o comando /c* para começar uma discussão com um de seus amigos.
Você pode baixar a nova versão aqui:http://www.transformice.com/Transformice.exe
E você pode baixar o Adobe Air aqui: http://get.adobe.com/fr/air/
Tigrounette trabalhará as verões Mac e Linux amanhã de manhã!
Sintam-se livre para compartilhar suas opiniões sobre este novo Standalone! Contamos com o retorno de vocês!
Yeni Standalone!
Birkaç gün önce duyurusunu yapmıştık: oyuna “multi-threading” özelliği eklendi. Maalesef, eski Standolone’yle çalışmadığı için Tigrou yepyeni bir Standalone oluşturmak zorunda kaldı.
Bir taşla iki kuş vurma niyetlisi Tig, gelecekte daha fazla özelliğin eklenebilmesi için Standalone’yi Adobe’la kodladı. Ayrıca bundan böyle Linux sürümlerinin de özgün bir Standolene’leri olacaktır! Tüm olanakları test etmek için bugün oyuna yeni bir özellik getirildi: Kabilinizdeki ve diğer arkadaşlarınızla iletişime geçmek için pop-up penceresini açabilirsiniz.
Pop up sohbet penceresini açarak: Kabile arkadaşlarınızla sohbet etmek için / tc yazınınız diğer arkadaşlarınızla sohbet etmek için / c *.
Yeni Standalone’yi indirmek için: www.transformice.com/Transformice.exe
Adobe Air’i indirmek için: http://get.adobe.com/air/
Tigrounette yarın Mac ve Linux sürümleri üzerinde çalışacaktır.
Yeni Standalone’yle ilgili fikirlerinizi paylaşmaktan çekinmeyiniz. Geri dönüşleriniz ve ilk izlenimlerinizi okumak bizlere mutluluk verecektir.
¡Nuevo Standalone!
Transformice Macrojuegos
Hace pocos días anunciamos el multithreading para Transformice. Desgraciadamente no funcionaba con el standalone oficial y tuvimos que crear uno nuevo.
Para hacerlo todo en una sola vez, Tigrounette programó eso con Adobe AIR : será entonces posible agregar mas funcionalidades en el futuro y los jugadores con Linux tendran su propia versión. Para probar esas nuevas funcionalidades, que tal si empiezan con la primera: ¡pueden abrir una ventanita en el juego para charlar con sus amigos o con la tribu!
El comando /tc abrirá una ventanita para hablar con la tribu, y el /c* funcionará con los amigos.
He aquí el enlace para el nuevo standalone : www.transformice.com/Transformice.exe
Además de eso pueden actualizar o descargar el Adobe AIR aquí: http://get.adobe.com/air/
Tigrounette pondrá la versión Mac y Linux mañana.
¡No vacilen en compartir sus opiniones acerca del nuevo standalone! ¡Los esperamos!
Are you addicted to Transformice Hack ? If yes you will know that it´s not really fun to play Transformice Hack without having a nice number of Unlimited Cheese and Fraises on Transformice Hack .
Specially without Fraises it´s hard to achieve a new High Score on Transformice Hack ! For this reason the Eagle Cheat Team decided to create a Transformice Hack Hack which will meet all needs of you! By making a use of our Transformice Hack Hack you will get unlimited Unlimited Cheese on Transformice Hack Hack and Fraises on Transformice Hack hack! Additionally you can activate the Protection Script on Transformice Hack Hack, and the Proxy ON option on Transformice Hack hack to be Completely Safe! This Transformice Hack Cheat is working for all Android and IOS Supported Devices.
Transformice Hack hack is daily updated,And Transformice Hack doesn’t require root for use.
Our Team tested the Transformice Hack Cheat on many Times on different Smart phones And more then that we test the Transformice Hack Cheat on many Tablets And Computers To and guess what?
The Transformice Hack Cheat Working Fantastic on every (Smart Phone,Tablets,Computer) we tested.
So what are you waiting for go to download the hack.
This is a picture from the Transformice Hack hack like you can see its look great and if you want to download it to you computer you just need to click on the download link below and enjoy with the Transformice Hack
If you don’t want to use the Transformice Hack
hack on your computer and cheat the game you can download Our Transformice Hack APK file directly from your Mobile Device. Just choose your device down below and download the Transformice Hack hack to your phone and enjoy with the Transformice Hack hack .
Transformice On Macbook
Transformice Hack hack Tool Tutorial:Download the Transformice Hack Hack from your Computer and run it! Now you have to connect your Mobile Device on which you play Transformice Hack with Usb to your Computer! After it´s done you have to Select your Mobile Operating System (Android/IOS)! Finally click on connect. When the Hack is connected finally with your Transformice Hack Client you can set the amount of Unlimited Cheese and Fraises which you wish to get! Aditionally you can activate the Security Script and the Backup option for a saver use. At the end just click on Patch. The Transformice Hack Tool will generate now a APK file for you with the number of Unlimited Cheese and Fraises you set befor and put it into your Transformice Hack Path!
APK Tutorial: Download the APK File and put it in the Transformice Hack Path in your Mobile Device and it’s done!
Android Download Link
PC Download Link
iOS-Apple Download Link