Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Latest Version

Found an older version here on the Nexus, and wondered if there were any more updates since. Apparently there were. I thought I'd share it since the license was generous. This is tool that lets you edit the contents of a save game of your choosing. Works for money, skins, inventory, bank inventory, ect., a lot of things. Thus, before Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor, then only way to get Freemen (Dune) 'blue within blue' eyes was to make a character in ME1 and then import it into ME2.without. doing extra modifications in the new facial editor.

Gibbed mass effect 2 save editor latest version 64-bit

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Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Latest Version 64-bit

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Hey guy I'm pretty new to this forum and this is my first Post (First in English). But anyways...

I'm currently playing the Mass Effect Triology (midway through 3) and I realized I messed up. In ME 2 I did (at least I think) every quest, every loyalty mission and so on because on the one hand I, of course, want to get to know every part of the story ME2 tells me and on the other hand I wanted to own a, to me, perfect savegame which I can always import for Mass Effect 3. I have to mention I already bote about 8 months ago the triology. But on that run I went immediately after the Collectors took my crew to their ship. And this is the reason why I didn't know that if you do some missions after they took them the crew dies (which obviously happened to mine xD).

Actually I just wanted to do every mission (except the DLC 'The arrival') before I finish the game and this is why there was no turning back for after I completed so many missions.

Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Latest Version 64-bit

I saw some threads in these forums but I can't ask any questions in there because it's not allowed any more. So I used the Gibbed.MassEffect2.SaveEdit to set Kelly Chambers, Gardner and the crew to the status 'alive'. It seemed to work because I started ME2 and the hole crew even Kelly appeared in the Normandy and I could talk to them, etc. So I thought it'll be fine in ME3 but after I first got to the Normandy in ME3 I read the list about the soldiers killed in action. I don't know why but it says Kenneth is dead.

To me he seemed pretty alive in ME2. So at first I guessed it's because of the fact the he actually died in ME2 and I just used the SaveEditor and something got wrong. But why is he the only one who's dead? I mean his partner , Garbriella Daniels, is not on the list, so probably she's not dead. And what about Kelly? I read you can see her again in Mass Effect 3 but some people say that it's only possible if you dated her in ME2. I didn't, so could I see her? And if Kelly died in ME2, is her name on the list of the soldiers as well?

Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Latest Version Windows 10

So to cut a long story short, I don't want to play ME2 (for now) again, just for these ridiculous things. I'm playing ME3 on extreme (I think it's called extreme. The one after normal) and after I beat the game I wanted to replay it on the hardest difficulty. That's why I want to know: Does anyone know what values I have to change? And of course It'll be nice if someone answers my other questions,

Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Latest Version Full

Thanks for reading and I hope everything was correct so you could understand me!

Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Latest Version Windows 10