Wineskin Crashes Mac

Wineskin Crashes Mac

Wineskin App

Hello fellow Mac gamers:
Unfortunately, I have to say at this moment, it is not possible to make working port of PoE on OSX, due to several reasons:
However the main reason is OSX system itself
This game relies heavily on streaming data from big file. While this is not problem on Windows or Linux, OSX does not like it, especially when mmap() method is used to accessing this data. OSX implementation of mmap is extremely slow on large files, and over the time, the game file (content.ggpk) has bloated from <5GB during alpha to 18GB+ nowadays. This is also the reason why the game loading times gets slower and lags during gameplay higher with every patch.
For technical people, lets consider this C code
This code tests 1000 mmaps allocation in 4kB, 64kB and 1024kB blocks on file io_benchmark.dat. On Linux, this code runs <1s (actually for 4kb its <100ms). While on OSX it runs for at least 10+seconds regardless of amount of data read. This is reason behind slow loading times and lags ingame. If the data resides on HDD/SDD or directly in memory, it does not matter, the speed remains about same.
To make this game works trough wine on OSX in playable fashion, one of the following has to happen
1) Apple will rewrite mmap implementation in their OSX kernel (unlikely, I opened bug report for this years ago, and it got closed as duplicate, no progress)
2) Wine would need to rewrite their memory management to avoid using mmap. This is also unlikely, because alternate approaches would slower the allocation on Linux, while it would speed it up on OSX, but OSX is not Wine main target
3) GGG would change their data system to instead using content.ggpk to large amount of smaller files (max 100MB, ideally one file per each effect). I guess this is the most likely scenario, if GGG is willing to support PoE on Mac at least passively.
Also, as most of you noticed, newer OSX has implemented checks on created application, and will complain about corrupted app even if it is ok. This can be workaround by giving specific instructions how to install the game from scratch, however until one of the above happens, there is no point in writing such guide.
So how can I play the game on Mac
Not trough wine, that's for sure. However there are alternatives but each one require installation of Windows
Best performing:
Bootcamp - you will end up in dual boot between OSX and Windows. This gives native and full performance, but you need to reboot each time to change OS.
Virtualization - This does not give you full performance, and comes with additional cost as none of the major provider does not give the app for free.
The best performing one are Parallels Desktop and VmWare Fusion. These have full DX9 implementation and nowadays possibly even DX11, there is minor performance loss (~10-20%) compared to bootcamp.
You can also try Oracle VirtualBox which is for free and should have good DX9 support, but it would definitely be the slowest solution (not as slow as trough wine though).

Here I present you the unofficial Path of Exile for Mac.
Is this port of the game for Mac?
Technically no, this wrapper just provides means to OSX to run native Windows applications. Therefore the game version is exactly same as on Windows with all its bugs features.
System Requirements
The game is not compatible with AMD cards running on Snow Leopard and Lion
OSX 10.12 High Sierra tested
OSX 10.13 Mojave tested
older, who knows :)
Macbook pro late 2011 and newer tested
Installation instructions
Download, double click, unpack (for example move the icon to application folder), double click, play
Please read Known issues before downloading, you will save yours and mine time

1. Game will print error first time its launched (WIPfactory blah blah) just keep pressing ok until it crashes, then the game will ask you if it should run in DirectX 9 mode. click yes, enjoy.
2. Once loaded disable multithreading in graphical options in menu
3. At current state, the port is suitable only for crafting and trading
, the normal gameplay will be laggy as hell
Path of Exile v9 (448MB) - mediafire

Path of Exile v8 (277MB) - mediafire

Path of Exile v7 (200MB) - mediafire

Note: Launcher graphics is broken, the buttons in launcher are invisible but works.
Path of Exile v6 (161MB) - mediafire

If you encounter Failed resetting Direct3D device objects upon launch set game to fullscreen as described in FAQ below
Note: Ignore the 'alpha 1' name, I am not going to reupload it just to fix the naming ;) And yeah, v5 = v5 alpha 1.
May not work on OSX version prior to 10.8
Path of Exile v5 (157MB) - mediafire
Path of Exile v5 (157MB) - mega
Path of Exile v5(157MB) - dropbox

If you encounter Failed resetting Direct3D device objects upon launch set game to fullscreen as described in FAQ below
Please read before downloading
This is experimental version, please report any issue you encounter except:
Long loading times
Stuttering (fps lag)
Known issues:
Command+tab from game with fullscreen settings might break the game (white screen)
The game should run much faster than v4.x versions

Path of Exile v5 alpha 2 (157MB) - mediafire

If you encounter Failed resetting Direct3D device objects upon launch set game to fullscreen as described in FAQ below
Path of Exile v4.2.1 (158MB) - mediafire

Note: this version has not been tested
This version is NOT compatible with Radeon cards on OSX 10.6 and 10.7

Path Of exile 4.1.2 - mediafire (154MB)

This version is NOT compatible with OSX 10.6 and 10.7 at all
If you encounter Failed resetting Direct3D device objects upon launch set game to fullscreen as described in FAQ below

Path of Exile v4.2 - mediafire

Known Issues
Immediate crash without any reason - For whatever reason, Razer synapse drivers will crash the game
Failed resetting Direct3D device objects - can be workaround by manually setting game to fullscreen mode (FAQ) (Solved in v6)
FPS Drop/Lags - When casting spell, encountering rare mobs, the frame rate spikes - 2 causes:
OSX bug which is responsible for longer loading screens and unfortunately there is no known solution for that.
Game is not preloading some monster effects = this issue is known to GGG, and according to this they are working on solution. Occurs on windows as well... Blame devs ;) update should be somewhat improved in v5 and after Poe 1.3.1.
Game may open in small window, solution below.
The launcher may take a long time to allocate resources (up to 30 minutes) on first install
The port inherits the rare bugs which may occur on windows, so there will be crashes and/or graphical glitches.
The port is know not to run on some configuration by default with D3ERR_INVALIDCALL error (possible workaround below in FAQ)
Loading times are longer - this is OSX bug and unfortunately there is no known solution for that.
Port specific issues

1) Right click on old wrapper->Show contents->navigate to drive_c/Program Files/Grinding Gear Games/Path of Exile
2) copy/move the content.ggpk file to the other wrapper to same location as above.

How to disable gatekeeper - Mountain Lion and later

Temporary workaround: Right click the wrapper -> Open
Permanent workaround: Open system preferences -> Search for gatekeeper-> allow all sources

reboot the OS X (the /tmp will get cleaned along with the lock file)
Or if you are advanced user
delete the lockfile from /tmp (the lock file will be named like '' (but make sure there are not any hanged wine processes)

You can find it in Documents/My Games/Path of Exile directory.
For editing use textedit

edit production_config.ini (use spotlight (cmd+space) to find it) and change
fullscreen=false to fullscreen=true
also set the resolution to supported one, or game may crash anyway.

Game opens in too small window | Game does not want to enter fullscreen

Press CMD+Enter
edit production_config.ini (use spotlight (cmd+space) to find it) and change
fullscreen=false to fullscreen=true
set in production_config.ini

On some system, some window resolution will result into offseted mouse. Currently there are three workarounds
1) use fullscreen mode
2) there is at least one window resolution which will be not offseted (possibly 1280x800)
3) set in production_config.ini

This may or may not help.
1) Right click the wrapper->Show contents
2) Open wineskin
3) select Advanced->Tools->Winetricks
4) from settings check glsl=enabled and click Run
5) close all Wineskin windows, and try to launch the game

1) Right click the wrapper->Show contents
2) navigate to Contents / Resources / Logs
3) The LastRunWine.log and LastRunX11.log are often needed when troubleshooting

Game Specific

press fn+f1

CMD is your new Alt key ;)


Turn off postprocessing in ingame option menu

download and edit whatever loot filter file you want to use then place the file in the following path
/User/YourUserName/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile/
This folder should contain a file called 'production_Config.ini' if not then you are looking in the wrong folder
Put your loot filter file in this folder
Restart PoE
Go to the Options Menu and click the UI tab. Scroll all the way to bottom and look for a setting that is talking about available loot filters
Click that tab/menu and select the loot filter file you want to use.
Now you should be all set (may need to log out you char and log back in) - should see a message on login 'loot filter enabled' or something smililar

Last edited by julus on Dec 30, 2018, 2:11:48 PM
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 3:07:10 PM
- Based on wine-staging-vulkan-4.0-rc1 64bit provided by Gcenx from portingteam
- preliminary support for dx11, it will still crash, but if by some miracle the game starts in DX11 and works, let me know
- updated wineskin so there should be less issues on newer macs/osx
- Based on wine-staging-2.21 64bit
- wrapper rebased around new installer
- disabled some winetricks, the wine can handle a few more things natively
- lot of errors should be gone
- still fps dropping like hell when new effect is introduced for first time :(
- Based on Wine-1.7.52 with Staging updates and Crossover Wine 1.4.10 (CX version) with following fixes:
Fixed: Unable to launch on OSX El Capitan
+ Various bugfixes from wine (it may crash less or more often :)
- Based on Wine-1.7.41 with Staging updates with following fixes:
Fixed: Game Fails to launch with Segmentation fault '$(dirname '$0')/Path Of Exile861127983Wine' '$@' on older OSX prior to 10.8/10.9
Fixed: Game cannot be resized in windows mode
Fixed: Game fails to launch with Failed resetting Direct3D device objects
Fixed: V-Sync should be working now (maybe it worked before, but never noticed it)
+ Various bugfixes from wine (it may crash less or more often :)

v4.X family
v4.1.2 - 07/06/14
-wineskin updated to 2.60
-wine updated to 1.7.19
v4.1.2 - 01/04/14
-changed wine engine to CX13.0.1
v4.1.1 - 09/25/13
-Fix to make game works after 0.11.6 again
-distorted fonts are back for now
v4.1 - 05/05/13
-Based on vanilla Wine 1.5.29
-Resizing by dragging works (but may create slight offset)
-Launch issues should be gone
v4.0.3 - 09/25/13
-Fix to make game works after 0.11.6 again
-distorted fonts are back for now
v4.0.2 - 02/18/13
-fixed fonts appearance
v4.0.1 - 02/06/13
-Hopefully fixed compatibility with osx 10.6 and 10.7
v4.0 - 02/03/13
-Based on Crossover wine 12.1.0
-Applied patch to prevent 30minute crash (untested)
-Mac window driver
v3.X family
v3.8 - 02/18/13
-fixed fonts appearance
-based on wine 1.5.24
v3.7 - 01/30/13
-Based on wine 1.5.22-23
-Pre-set some configuration to make it work straight away on more configurations
-included some custom patches (mmap pre cache and mmap osx workaround), this should improve performance a little bit (but does not fix stuttering)
* 7 hours without crash on my system
v3.6 - 01/11/13
-Revert to wine 1.4 - now on par with POM port
-fixed launcher appereance
v3.5beta2 - 12/14/12
-Get rid of the mmap cache as it was probably causing memory leaks and crashed the game.
v3.5beta - 12/10/12
-Wine version 1.5.19 - should fix detection of new Nvidia cards and possibly some graphical issues
-Testing - Included mmap cache patch by discomfitor ( - on mac it has slightly different result - increase loading times, but slightly decreases stuttering when encountering rates
-Testing - New type of Ati Fix - ( - should fix graphical glitches on ATI cards - questionable behavior on nvidia - can be disabled via regedit in HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D by setting OverrideVertexShaders to disabled
-Game will now launch using xQuartz - it is more safe method to launch game, and this way it will not occasionally crash OSX
-Compatible with OSX 10.8.2 and 10.7.5
Last edited by julus on Dec 15, 2018, 5:47:34 PM
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 3:07:19 PM
Thank you for this julus.
Any chance this thread could be made a sticky? Moderators, where are you...?
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 4:01:01 PM
Very easy to install, works like a charm!
Great effort and thank you very much Julus!
Just for the record: even on my Mid 2009 13' MBP with a 256MB Nvidia gfx card works fine.
Last edited by ThaMas on Sep 1, 2012, 4:17:43 PM
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 4:16:45 PM
Very easy to install, works like a charm!
Great effort and thank you very much Julus!
Just for the record: even on my Mid 2009 13' MBP with a 256MB Nvidia gfx card works fine.

Perhaps we could have a competition who has the oldest/crummiest Mac that runs Path of Exile.
My entry is a mid 2007 iMac with Intel C2D 2,4GHz, 4GB Ram, ATI Radeon HD 2600 HD, WD Caviar Black 1TB 7200rpm and OS X Mountain Lion. Perfectly playable in native resolution 1680x1050. I don't mind turning off graphical settings, the game looks very good for me.
More to the point, I think it's great that GGG decided to make PoE playable in a whole load of different machines. Official Mac support would be awesome and also make that unmentionable D-game by company A/B rather pointless...
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 4:59:23 PM
Very easy to install, works like a charm!
Great effort and thank you very much Julus!
Just for the record: even on my Mid 2009 13' MBP with a 256MB Nvidia gfx card works fine.

Perhaps we could have a competition who has the oldest/crummiest Mac that runs Path of Exile.
My entry is a mid 2007 iMac with Intel C2D 2,4GHz, 4GB Ram, ATI Radeon HD 2600 HD, WD Caviar Black 1TB 7200rpm and OS X Mountain Lion. Perfectly playable in native resolution 1680x1050. I don't mind turning off graphical settings, the game looks very good for me.
More to the point, I think it's great that GGG decided to make PoE playable in a whole load of different machines. Official Mac support would be awesome and also make that unmentionable D-game by company A/B rather pointless...

Well, it seems they have official Wine support (at least the forum topic says so), which should be enough to make the game playable via wine port... It is much easier and cheaper for them to do so, and even bigger companies are beginning to use wineskin port engine (for example, CD Projekt Red and The Witcher RPG)
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 5:49:58 PM
I just downloaded your wrapper and the game loaded just fine but when i try to fast travel to the prison, the game freezes and gives me an error message telling me it has encountered a serious error and needs to close. i tried this several times and it keeps repeating every time i try. this does not happen on V2 of the wrapper. Any solutions?
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2012, 7:05:58 PM
I just downloaded your wrapper and the game loaded just fine but when i try to fast travel to the prison, the game freezes and gives me an error message telling me it has encountered a serious error and needs to close. i tried this several times and it keeps repeating every time i try. this does not happen on V2 of the wrapper. Any solutions?

If the v2 wrapper works fine for you, then use it. It is almost impossible to make a wrapper which works for all configurations (but I am trying to do so :).
If you still want to use v3 wrapper, then I suggest to add '-gc 1' option to EXE flags, the crash may disappear but for cost of longer loading times:
1) Right click the wrapper->show contents
2) Run wineskin->Click Advanced
3) enter '-gc 1' without quotes into EXE flags field.
Also the crash should be gone with the 0.9.12 (hopefully)
If anyone interested, this look like fix:
Fixed a client crash that could occur whenever entities are deleted if they still had effects in the world.
As I already posted in old topic, the all reported crashes (according to the failing function address) are caused by D3DXDisassembleEffect function which seems to be highly related to be the the issue.
Posted by
on Sep 2, 2012, 5:55:19 AM
Posted by
on Sep 3, 2012, 4:57:09 AM

Download, unpack, double click, play
You missed the unpack thing :) just move the game outside of dmg file (to applications or Desktop)
Posted by
on Sep 3, 2012, 6:38:45 AM
in Community Support
  1. Guild wars2 mac wineskin connection fix Panzo007. But crashes so just restart. The game is on constant updates so the client loose connection with host ARENANET.
  2. Third-party tools include WineBottler, PlayOnMac, and Wineskin. There’s also the free Porting Kit, which makes installing classic games easy, and the commercial CrossOver Mac, which is the only application here you have to pay for. We’ll be using WineBottler for this tutorial, as it seems like the most popular option among Mac users.
  3. Hello, I purchased the Sims 4 for my mac yesterday and was able to play for about 2-3 hours, stopping and starting a couple times and the game worked pretty fine. It was a little laggy but turning off the retina display fixed that. However since last night evreytime I try to open the sims 4 throu.
  4. Best of Brake Check Gone Wrong (Insurance Scam) & Instant Karma 2019 Road Rage, Crashes Compilation - Duration. Como instalar gta sa en mac sin wineskin - Duration: 10:59. AlexRz 365 views.

OPTIONAL DUAL BOX METHOD: Install 2 Wrappers and install the game twice, yeah itll take up twice as much room for both WineSkin Wrappers and both installs of Nasomi, but if you do - you can Dual box on Mac, just boot up separate Wineskin wrappers and follow the Boot and Login method for both, using Windowed mode and lower Resolutions to.

Hello all,
I've successfully installed CC3 on my Mac OS 10.8.2 system using the following technique:
1. Download and install XQuartz.
2. Download and install Wineskin Winery
3. Open Wineskin Winery and configure a New Blank Wrapper
- add wine engine WS8Wine1.2.3
- add wine engine WS9Wine1.5.13 (or latest if newer version is available)
- highlight WS8Wine1.2.3 to use that engine for your CC3 wine install (we will change this after it is installed)
- choose Update under Wrapper Version to download the latest version
- click Create New Wrapper and save your wrapper as 'Campaign Cartographer'
4. Open the file Campaign Cartographer wine wrapper.
5. Choose Advanced to configure your installation with the following options
- Options > Force use of system installed XQuartz instead of using built in WineskinX11 (prevents Mission Control bug)
6. Click Install Software to install CC3 into this wrapper
- Choose Setup Executable
- browse to your downloaded CC3_Install.exe and open it
- you will walk through the CC3 installer process
- at the end of the process, do not check 'launch CC3 now'
7. Back at the Wineskin Advanced page, finalize the wrapper configuration
- Configuration > Windows EXE > Browse, find the fcw32.exe installed into your wine dos_device c drive. It will be nested inside Campaign Cartographer
- Tools > Change Engine Used > choose latest version, as of this document it was 1.5.13.
8. Choose Test Run
- CC3 should open.
9. Click around and go into Help. Wineskin will download and install the gecko framework to view html files inside CC3 (Help files)
I just got this up and running and will report any serious bugs and instructions to install Symbol Sets, Annuals, and expansions.


Wineskin Crashes Mac Catalina

  • To install expansions such as Annuals, Symbol Sets, or otherwise do the following:
    1. Browse to 'Campaign' and right click the file. Choose Show Package Contents
    2. Open at the top of the package contents folder.
    3. Choose Install Software and browse to the expansion .exe
    4. Install as normal.
  • 🖼️ 16 imagesMapmakerAdministrator, ProFantasy
    Excellent, thank you very much for posting your experience.
  • 4 months later
  • First, thank you sturtus for your excellent instructions. They've worked flawlessly for me for a while.
    Today, though, I've been struggling to install the 2012 Annual . . . and consistently failing. The InstallAware program starts up well, but when I click on Next, instead of receiving the license page and a chance to input my serial number, I get External Exception 80000100, then a series of Access violation errors. I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar problems and, if so, how you've resolved them. I'll keep working at it myself, and if I succeed I'll post the steps that led to my success, but I'd definitely be interested in others' experiences.
  • I have found a workaround: I set Wine to use an earlier engine (1.3.?; I'm afraid I can't remember which exactly, but a little experimentation should do the trick). With that earlier engine chosen, I was able to run the InstallAware program for the 2012 Annual without difficulty. I then set Wine back to the current engine, and all is good!
  • 1 year later
  • edited April 2014
    Excellent tutorial. Works like a charm.
    I am installing the full monty of CC3 products (CC3, DD3, CD3, CA3, Annual Vol. 1-7, SS1-4, Source Maps and TUM on Wine on a MacBook Pro 2011.
    Like stated above by jbbb, you need to change the engine for all add-ons released 2011 and later. I used current version 1.7.4 for Annual Vol.5,6,7, as well as SS4.
    Only issues encountered so far: broken menu icons (no problem) and all fonts on the example maps are messed up (probably due to system fonts, not available on Wine). All fonts are much bigger.
    Please beware the Annual Vol. 2-4 have issues in the installer with the fonts. The installer still works, but the describing text is shown in Dingbats. I guess an engine in the middle range between 1.2.3 and 1.7.4 would fix that issue, but I haven't tried this.
    I am still waiting for CA3 to download, and please note that the webdownloader version does not work on Wine. I am currently downloading the full versions ZIP (3GB) to see if that works. I will install it on the 1.7.4 engine and report back if I have any issues.
    Performance is compared to bootcamp version much better. Loading time for sheet effects have doubled and mouse movement which was a struggle on the touchpad in bootcamp is not an issue in the WINE version. Even zooming from touchpad works.
    Thx again for posting this tutorial. It saves me a complete bootcamp partition with Windows 7 (I used only for CC3).
    EDIT: Can't get CA3 to work. Wine crashes on both 1.2.3 and 1.7.4. Will try to create a seperate wrapper with only CC3 and CA3.
  • 9 months later
  • Hi all.
    Is this a better method than running CC3 (plus add-ons) in a virtual machine? Presently, I have CC3, DD3, CD3, SS1-4, and two annuals installed on Windows 8.1 on my rMBP running Yosemite and Parallels 10.
  • Not a better method, but if you prefer not to have a VM the solution is good.
    I am currently trying to get it to work with CC3+, but visual C++ 12 is needed for the installer, and that doesn't work well with Wine. Anyone who has had success with installing CC3+ in a Wine wrapper?
  • 13 days later
  • Personally i use crossover for cc3 and cc3+ , i have found it to be the best of the bunch of wine engines and has a bunch of add ons to help with difficult installers
  • 3 months later
  • Everything ok with everyone? I haven't looked at this forum in over a year and my friend Steve mentions this post in the blog today. I need to get back into CC3 again. Photoshop has taken over so much of my work as I love to sketch by hand. However, CC3 saves a lot of time for mapping.
  • 6 months later
  • I seem to have been able to install CC3, two annuals and Cosmographer 3, and everything looks great except the add ons don't show up in the Add On menu? It's there, because I can load menus using the Menu... command, but just wondered why it's not recognizing what is installed?
  • edited November 2015
    Make sure your installation is up to date with the latest update, then run CC3MenuConfig.exe in your CC3 installation directory. Note that running this file does not provide any feedback, you just have to repoen CC3 to check the results.
  • Have you reinstalled the latest update after you installed the add ons? You always run the latest updater even if it is installed as often needs to add extra files for the add ons. It may need to uninstall the update first, if so just reinstall it.
  • edited November 2015
    I tried running the latest CC3 update last, then the CCMenuConfig.exe. That gives me the a log with this error:
    err:module:import_dll Library MSVBVM60.DLL (which is needed by L'C:Program FilesProFantasyCC3CC3MenuConfig.exe') not found
    err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L'C:Program FilesProFantasyCC3CC3MenuConfig.exe' failed, status c0000135
    Looks like I need a library?
    EDIT: Ran Winetricks vb6run. and reran CCMenuConfig.exe. No errors. Everything is perfect now. Thanks.
  • 3 months later
  • Here's how I solved the Visual C++ 12.0 error:
    (a) Start Wineskin from inside of the newly created Wine wrapper
    (b) Go to Tools, choose Winetricks
    (c) Press the Update Winetricks button
    (d) At the top type xml in the search, expand the dll group and put a check in msxml3, then click Run to install MS XML Core Services 3.0
    (e) At the top type vcrun in the search, expand the dll group and put a check in vcrun2013, then click Run to install Visual C++ 2013 libraries
    (f) Now install CC3+ using the guide posted at the top of the thread
  • 8 months later
  • Thanks Pion!
    I also found that on my El Capitan Mac that there was a black box that followed the hover mouseover tooltip. I was able to resolve this in the latest version of Wine Engine 1.9.21:
    1. Browse to 'Campaign' and right click the file. Choose Show Package Contents
    2. Open at the top of the package contents folder.
    3. Choose 'Advanced'
    4. Choose 'Set Screen Options'
    5. Check ON 'Use Mac Driver instead of X11' and 'Use Direct3D Boost (if available)' and click Done
    6. Check OFF Options > 'Force use of system installed XQuartz instead of using built in Wineskin X11' and 'Force use of wrappers quartz-wm for window decorations and not what is on the system'.